Sunday, March 15, 2009

I Remember When now closed, but I have moved to AC Bailey!

I am very sad to report that I Remember When has recently closed due to the issues the poor economy has brought about. On a happier note I am pleased to share with you that I have joined AC Bailey Designs. I have several friends who were previously with IRW that are now with AC Bailey and this just seemed like the best move for me. One of the greatest savings AC Bailey offers is FREE SHIPPING the 1ST DAY of EACH MONTH with ANY $35 order!!! This saves you sooooo much money! The product selection at AC Bailey is wonderful. You can access my AC Bailey store by clicking the box on the right. I hope you guys love AC Bailey as much as I do.

Happy Scrappin!!!

1 comment:

Dee said...

woo hoo!!!! glad to have ya with us